Onboard Maintenance Servicing

Onboard Maintenance Servicing

Onboard Maintenance Servicing

3Waves Energy has an unmatched Asia Servicing network and MMN representatives across 15+ countries. Our strategically placed service stations, situated along major shipping routes and close to shipbuilding hubs, ensure responsive and efficient support for our clients worldwide.

Our specialised team of technicians and engineers are industry leaders in maritime electronics, communication, navigation, automation, and power systems. We offer unparalleled expertise and service capabilities based on a robust portfolio of cutting-edge solutions and a global network.

Prioritising continuous training, we update our technicians on market developments, technical advances, and international regulations. This commitment enables us to deliver top-quality, on-the-spot services consistently.

Expanding our 24/7 on-demand maintenance services, we provide customers across different time zones with reliable support for maintenance and equipment repairs whenever and wherever needed. This underscores our commitment to swift and practical solutions.

As part of MMN, we facilitate global servicing and warranty arrangements, ensuring seamless service transfers between ports within our extensive network and offering our clients efficient global maritime solutions.

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