3Waves Oil Spill Detection Solution

To Understand, determine and deliver what our customer want, with a high standard of professionalism and on time..

3Waves Oil Spill Detection Solution

Oil spill prevention, response and cleanup

In view of the recent oil spill incidents across the world, oil spill prevention, response & clean up technologies have become extremely important and sought after. Early detection in the case of accident and emergency response is essential. In order to accelerate the operations and contain the contaminated area at the minimum size, equipment permanently installed on board are preferred.

3Waves Oil Spill Detection & Visual System

3Waves has integrated unique Oil Spill Detection function & Thermal camera into Simrad’s Argus standard type approved IMO/SOLAS ARPA navigational radar. As result, ships in force on regular operations can use the primary radar set as a traditional instrument for navigation and the secondary radar display, interfaced to the primary radar,  can be switched over to the advanced function of Oil Spill Detection with Visual (Day & Thermal) to detect of Oil slick flowing direction, area , volume & thickness

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